CTI Human Capital Development Project in Outreach Regions is the Record Breaker.

This has been reviled by the chairman of the Confederation of Tanzania Industries (CTI) in Arusha, Moshi and Manyara Regions Mr. Anup in his closing remark of the coaching session on the Human Resource Manual and Labour laws that was conducted at Four points by Sheraton in Arusha this week. “For more than 10 years, CTI in Arusha has not organized a session that attracted many people like this for the whole session” Mr. Anup Said. When asked about the number of participants attended, the training coordinator Mr. George replied, “during the preparation, we planned for 15 participants based on the past attendance records, however today we have 21 participants who have attended the session 6 more than what were expected. For us, this is important, since it shows how manufacturing industries value developing their human capital.”

The Human Capital Development project is the initiative implemented by CTI with support of GIZ’s Business Scouts for Development; a German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) funded program. The aim of this initiative is to enhance the competitiveness of the manufacturing industries through the provision of training, capacity building and coaching programs based on their needs.

A similar session was conducted in Mwanza on 29th and 30th June at Gold Crest Hotel. The session also attracted 19 participants from different manufacturing sectors ranging from food and beverages, Iron and Steel, Textiles and apparel, Plastic and plastic materials, pharmaceutical, Oil and gas, etc. During the vote of thanks, Mr. Leopord Lema the owner of Mwanza Quality Wine said, “we thank CTI and GIZ Business Scouts for Development for this great opportunity, we have been missing such important courses due to high costs imposed by other organizations, this is great service from CTI, and we would like to appreciate the materials from the expert and promise that we are going to make an impact on our organizations”. “We never knew that CTI could have organized such a nice training in Mwanza, we would like to ask CTI and GIZ to bring more and more training programs in outreach regions since here is where many challenges are” this was added by one among the participants Mr. Khan HR Manager from Furaha Nyanza. 

This session will also be conducted in Tanga from 5th to 6th June 2021and expected to be attended by 20 participants from manufacturing industries in Tanga and neighboring regions. 

Odoo • A picture with a caption
Participants in Group photo with the Chairman mR. Anup sitting in the middle during HR Manual and Labour Law session in Arusha 
Odoo • A picture with a caption
Participants in class during HR Manual and Labour Law session in Mwanza 
CTI Working Session
Industrialists Meet Minister for Industry and Trade ahead of Tanzania National Business Council (TNBC) Meeting